Tuesday 5 March 2013

My Space, My Style on All Things Nice

So guys I’m sort of tired of going on and on about things I like and what I like about them, and so instead, I would love to see what turns you on when it comes to design and decor. So I want to introduce something which I call...

My Style, My Space- a way you guys can share your sense of style with each other.

I’ve been toying with this idea for sometime now, but have been terrified that I wouldn’t get any responses and would end up looking really stupid! But an email from fellow blogger, Shalini Ganguli of Done The Shalini Waygave me the final push to go ahead with it.

So I'm inviting all of you who are totally obsessed with style and decor to join in! All the details are below. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a great response!

My Space, My Style

Step 1: Click an image or two of a space in your home that you love- it can be a living or dining room, a bedroom or a study.

Step 2: Email me the images along with some text that includes your thoughts behind the space and any other important details

There are no conditions except that the space needs to be designed or styled by you and it needs to be fabulous! Who knows your spaces may be showcased in All Things Nice!

One warning though- this is not a competition so if you’re doing this in the hope of a goody bag coming your way, you’ll be disappointed. 

But, this is a great way to turn the spotlight on your individual style and a great way for all of us to get to know each other better and share ideas. So come on, get clicking and send in those images!


  1. I am very exceited abpout this. Will send you an email. Please let me know your email address.

  2. Reema its shalinipereira.design@gmail.com ... Looking fwd to hearing back from you!

  3. Woohoo! Great going Shalini! This idea is killer.


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