Thursday 5 December 2013

Design Blogger's Fab Five for the Home - Installment I

If you're anything like me, then your mind is always buzzing with decor ideas. You know, stuff you want to do to your home & how you can make it your personal stamp. And for inspiration I'm sure we all go through dozens of magazines, websites and decor blogs (some that we follow almost religiously) in an insatiable search for more and more eye candy- more ideas for the home. All the while we make mental notes, lists of things we want for our homes- you know lists of 'must haves'.  

Well I thought why not find out about some of our favorite decor bloggers 'must have' items- about the things that they love obsessively and absolutely cannot do without in their homes. So throughout out December I'm going to be doing a series called Design Blogger's Fab Five, which is going to give you a glimpse into the top Five things that some of the best just can't do without.

I am super excited to be kicking off this series with a guest post by one of the best bloggers out there... the lovely and totally amazing Bhavna Bhatnagar of An Indian Summer. Here's her Fab Five, and her thoughts behind them...

I love making lists. And if the list has to do with one of my favourite areas – home and décor, well, this was a fun list to put together. So here are the five things that I cannot do without at my home:

I like to think of myself as a sunflower. Not because of any other reason, but because I tend to move wherever the sun is. Our home gets brilliant sunlight through the large french windows and a skylight on top. I love the play of light within the home, in different seasons.

Nothing lifts up a room more than some bunches of fresh flowers! I am not too fond of prissy flower arrangements; I like my flowers wild, and fragrant.

Our home reflects our interest and our travels. Whether it’s the art, or little knick knacks, or tableware – I love to display the things which have a memory or a little attached to it.

And more books! Each nook and corner and table and shelf of our home has books. I de-clutter my home as each season turns, but find it hard to give away even one of the books.

My personal favourite décor accessory and/or spoiler, fuzz ball and/or arm scratcher, personal cuteoverload and/or personal madness in house – whichever way you look at, a pet (for me a cat) is the best ‘thing’ to have in a home, after your family :)

Thank you Bhavna for letting me rope you into being a part of this series- for sharing your thoughts and for the absolutely amazing images that are so inspiring! 

[All images- Bhavna Bhatnagar]


  1. What a great kick off feature! Bhavna knows it best! Enjoyed reading her must-haves - fresh flowers, books and sunlight is up there for me too! Too bad i had to pick only five :). Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this elite club. I am honored.


  2. Nice post Shalini-looking for more.All your essential items are mine too-except pets.


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